Apptivo Ideas App

ideas icon


Apptivo Ideas is a simple and easy App to create and store your ideas and implement those ideas to either as a new feature or as a new Project. Customize your app according to your business need and create your own email template for further email proceedings.

Application Features

Make your own approval flow with priority and set criteria for the idea to get fulfilled. Provide with the info of whom to approve the idea.

approval flow

Customize your app by adding new fields, creating new sections, set up your needed list layout and rename the app as per your company standard.

personalize app

Describe the current state of the Ideas created. It gets changed based on the business customer support process.

ideas status

market segments

Markets and Segments

Select your markets and segments you target and associate them to your ideas. Create your own Market & Segments and add them.

highlight ideas

Highlight Ideas

Highlight your ideas with various text and background colors to identify the important or high priority ideas among other ideas.

improve sales engage

Top Ideas Generator

Shows you the ideas generated by the Manager and his/her employees. View also your own ideas and your team ideas.

idea pipeline implematation

Idea Implementation Pipeline

Display you the pipeline of various ideas which gets implemented into Project and its cost savings. Filter it according to the type and item.

Integrated Applications

Ideas App integrate seamlessly with the following applications

This Application is available in


Start a Trial / Book Demo

Apptivo provides a FREE 14 Days trial to all its customer to play around with the product and get to know if it suits their business. Apptivo also provides a 1 to 1 demo session to explain how you can use Apptivo for your business.