Welcome back to the latest edition of Apptivo’s product updates. Apptivo apps have been consistently being revised almost anywhere between weeks to boost our application to follow the new changes following the industry expectations. We also upgraded some of our applications in this update to simplify and improve the customer’s reliability. Let’s quickly take a peek at our new updates.

Updates and Enhancements

  • E-Mail Reminder for Tasks & Events
  • Pricing functionality in the Contracts app
  • Edit Support for Planned Work Orders
  • Enhanced Recurring Work Orders

E-Mail Reminder for Tasks & Events

Email reminders have been the most important communication tool across industries. Apptivo has incorporated email reminders in Tasks and Events to integrate the most up-to-date trend in this update. You will get an email reminder that will inform you that your valued clients or your supervisors need to perform significant tasks and events. You can add a reminder setting inside the task’s or event’s activity and the assigned to employees & attendees will receive an email reminder to their inboxes. Also, you can create multiple Email and Pop-up Reminders as per your preferences. Read more.

E-Mail Reminder for Tasks & Events

Pricing Functionality in Contracts

The pricing feature in Apptivo encourages you to create a list of more than one cost for a single item. Using this feature you can set different prices for a single item for various customers. We provided this Pricing function in the Contracts app in this update. Create a Price List from the Apptivo Pricing App and when you create a new contract for an item, you can choose your pricing either from the header level price list or from the line-level price list (Products/items sold line level). Besides, you can configure this pricing for both Sales and Retainer Contracts. Read more.


Edit Support for Planned Work Orders

The Apptivo Work Orders app lets you delegate and dispatch resources to address customer problems. Apptivo helps you to build recurring work orders to schedule your daily tasks to make your work more automated. Now, we have further updated our recurring work orders to improve customer reliability. The Edit option is provided for the recurring planned work orders to be displayed on the dispatch calendar view. With that, you can edit the planned work order statuses and get it viewed on the dispatch calendar view conveniently. It allows you to review your work orders on schedule and complete them. Read more.


Enhanced Recurring Work Orders

In addition to the edit customization, we have further enhanced the recurring Work Orders to edit the parent and child work orders. This helps you to quickly change the work orders of your parents and child work order at a time. For users to determine what sort of action should be taken on which work orders, we presented two forms of edit choices. The added options to select “Only this work order” or “Following child work orders”. If “Only this work order” is chosen, updates can only be updated in the current order. Simultaneously, “Following child work orders” helps you to update the changes on the current and the series of child work orders as well. Read more.

Enhanced Recurring Work Orders

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Role Of CRM In Travel And Tourism Industry

Role Of CRM In Travel And Tourism Industry

Travel and tourism have been a significant part of everyone’s life since the ancient period. When we skim through the pages of history, It should be noted that humans were initially nomads before they became settled in one place. They...

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Introduction CRM is a technology that helps manage the entire customer information and interactions in order to build and maintain superior customer relationships. The CRM solution replaces spreadsheets and other different applications, which makes it easy for the businesses to...

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Everything you need to know about the Annual Maintenance Contract!

Everything you need to know about the Annual Maintenance Contract!

1. What is an Annual Maintenance Contract? 2. Benefits of Maintenance Contracts 3. How can Apptivo CRM help you manage maintenance agreements and vendors? 4. Summary Think about getting the confidence that the machinery is well-maintained and performing optimally, without...

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