Apptivo Suite of Apps -

We are back with the second edition of “Explore The Unexplored in Apptivo Suite of Apps”. Our journey towards uncovering some of the unique features and applications within Apptivo is never-ending as Apptivo CRM Software is a cloud suite of 13+ solutions containing 65+ applications catering to different areas of a business. We aren’t even halfway through, yet we couldn’t wait for the unveiling of some of our assets right away. Additionally, it has also led us to come across an integration facility that will certainly assist you with your field service operations. Let’s go through some of the unexplored applications and features offered by Apptivo which will be a significant asset in boosting your business and improving your customer relationships.

  • Configure, Price, Quote Software
  • Google Maps Integration
  • App Builder
  • License Tracker
  • Xinnect
  • Expense Reports
  • Support Plan Assignment

Configure, Price, Quote Software

Configure, Price, and Quote – CPQ software helps in automating complex sales processes carried out at the back end and reducing pricing errors that might turn out to be very expensive. CPQ solutions help in solving the major purpose of an organization that manufactures complex and/or custom goods.

Configure, Price, Quote Software

The CPQ feature instilled in Apptivo Software helps the salesperson to communicate a custom, yet an accurate quote while working through customer interactions and maintaining an efficient database. The CPQ feature aids in configuring the price of an item by concentrating on the classes and choices. Also, the configured price can be implemented in the web and mobile applications of Estimates, Invoices, and Work Orders App of Apptivo. Learn more.

Google Maps Integration

Maps are a great tool to locate the physical location of your target audience. Along with having the exact address, it is more efficient if we can also locate the address in a map view. The introduction of Google Maps has created a significant shift in technology where people are able to easily locate the addresses and track the path to reach the destination. It has become an asset to businesses mainly offering field services. Businesses use Google Maps to deliver the right service at the right time with no delay. In fact, most service-oriented businesses rely on Google Maps for a quicker solution.

Google Maps Integration

Apptivo brings Google Maps to your account with its comprehensive Google Maps integration. With a single click, this feature can be enabled on selective applications. Businesses can now record the addresses with the “Auto-Suggestion” facility. The Map View assures an enhanced experience to neatly locate customer addresses in map view or satellite view. This ensures timely dispatch of resources for the work orders and offers better customer service. The highlighting feature is extended to Google Maps where the field personnel can easily locate the identical work orders based on the coloring on the check pins. Learn more.

App Builder

Apptivo is not just a cloud suite of default applications but is also a Software that grows with your business. The flexibility and customization provided by Apptivo make it the “Go-To” Software of small, medium, and large scale businesses. As your business expands, Apptivo offers necessary applications and removes the limits in your sales growth. There are already applications that assist in the field of Finance, Sales, Services, Marketing, Supply Chain, and Project Management. In addition to these apps bundle, there is an exclusive app named App Builder.

App Builder

The App Builder is a business-friendly application that allows you to develop your own applications from scratch. The Master Layout provided in the App Builder offers all the assistance needed to construct your own custom application. Just like other apps in Apptivo, here also you can permit selective access to your employees. Want to duplicate the default Cases application? The Case Extended App allows you to create a duplicate of your Cases app with all the fields intact. Learn more.

License Tracker

Does your business involve handling multiple licenses? Are you in search of an application that can keep track of your licenses with timely reminders on renewals? The License Tracker app of Apptivo is certainly your destination. It will act as a repository to manage all your business licenses. The License Tracker of Apptivo is designed to be tailor-made for any businesses. Here, you can create, edit, track, and manage your licenses. The records can be categorized based on the agency or department.

License Tracker

In addition to documenting the License # and Memo, you can also add a description of the license. The app enables you to configure to receive timely reminders before the expiration of a license to renew it without any defaults. The advanced Reporting can be used to gather information on the licenses based on the Agency/Department, date of creation, or date of modification. Learn more.


The world of business is very competitive. Every day, a new business is brought to light. To withstand the fierce competition, it is important for businesses to retain their customers and strengthen their credibility. This is possible only when there is a sense of trust in the minds of customers. There is always a wall cloaking the backend work carried out by businesses to offer the end product to customers. This prevents customers from being aware of the smallest actions taken by your employees to achieve the desired results.


The Xinnect App of Apptivo assists in unveiling the cloak and increases transparency with your customers. The Xinnect App creates an extensive customer portal that invites your customers and contacts to keep track of the tickets, projects, inventory, or invoices with an exclusive login address. With this, the customer can track the status of their request, communicate with the employees, and stay in the loop till the products or service reaches the end-user. Learn more.

Expense Reports

The Supply Chain of a business is not just about the selling of goods or services. It also includes purchase of necessary materials or services needed to achieve the end product or offer the required service. When a business has multiple departments, it becomes difficult to track and manage all the expenses incurred. In that case, the documentation becomes tedious involving complicated approval flows.

Expense Reports

The Expense Reports of Apptivo is a state of the art application that empowers you to easily document and track all the expenses of your business. The organized approval flow automates the process enabling your expense reports to go through your conventional approval flow online. Managers can approve the expenses within the application or through emails. Additionally, the businesses can also set up the approval limit and the actions to be taken when the approval limit exceeds for a report. Learn more.

Support Plan Assignment

The Cases App of Apptivo is an efficient online ticketing system that takes the role of an alternative for a conventional help desk. The Cases App helps to manage the customer tickets from different platforms like Webforms, API, Emails, or Mobile App. The Service Level Agreement monitors the cycle time of the cases to provide quick and timely solutions to customer grievances or queries.

Support Plan Assignment

The Cases App leverages the customers to create and monitor their tickets from an exclusive customer portal. While granting this advantage to customers, Apptivo CRM Software also grants businesses the authority to limit the number of tickets logged by a customer based on certain criteria. Additionally, businesses can also determine the action to be taken when a customer creates a ticket after reaching their quota. The detailed feature allows you to send email notifications to the configured email address when a ticket is accepted, rejected, or handled beyond the prescribed limit for a customer. Learn more.


The world is undergoing drastic changes giving room for development of new business opportunities while bidding farewell to traditional businesses. This has also resulted, owing to the growth in the field of technology. Staying in line with these developments, Apptivo CRM Software also strives to give away top-notch applications and features to our customers empowering them to stay on top of their business.

Stay tuned with this space for more info! We will be back with more interesting features and applications that will definitely simplify your operations and enhance your business workflow.

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