We’re so excited to announce the updates which have been released on October 28, 2017, as well as fresh things and some feature requests. We would like to share them with you! Have a look below to find out what’s new here for you in this release:

  • Uniqueness check in Leads, Customers and Contacts
  • Additional Objects in Items 360 Degree View
  • Create Purchase Order with decimal value in Quantity

Here’s an outline of this week enhancements:

CRM Updates

  • Uniqueness check in Leads, Customers and Contacts – We have enhanced the feature of “Import” to support the “Uniqueness Check” in the Leads, Customers and Contacts App, giving you the ability to reduce the manual work of updating the records in bulk.
    For instance: While importing data in the Leads App, you would also like to update some of the fields and thus remove the duplicate ones. In that case, mapping the required fields appropriately will filter out the duplicate leads based on the value given in the “Uniqueness Check”.


Product Updates


  • Additional Objects in Items 360 Degree View – We’ve added a few more additional Apps on the 360 degree view of Items App. It will make your items list easier than ever to get the associated objects of Items in the 360-degree view itself. Let’s check what are the apps we’ve have added for you in the 360- degree view. They are Orders, Invoices, Estimates, Purchase Orders and Work Orders.
    For Instance: If you would like to get all the Invoices which are created for the Item – “Laptop”. Just by selecting Laptop from the list of Items, go to 360-degree view. You have to select the “Invoice” beneath of 360 degree view. It will show you the invoices which are created with the item – Laptop.


Supply Chain Updates

Purchase Orders

  • Create Purchase Order with decimal values in Quantity – We have applied the “Decimal Value” in the quantity field in the Purchase Orders App. This will allow you to create a purchase order with decimal value on all of your quantity fields, which you have included in the Purchase Orders. Also, you can now customize the decimal value of Quantity field. For that, we have added the just out “Digits” option in Master Layout. Just go to “Settings” → “Master Layout” → click on “Quantity Field” from the table, where you can find the option called “Digits”. Beneath of digits you can set up the Scale, Precision Value and Rounding Mode like “No Rounding”, “Round to Nearest”, “Round Up” and “Round Down” as per your choice.

<p>Have any queries or feature requests or would you like to know about Apptivo. Please don’t hesitate to <a href=contact us, we would love to hear from your end!

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