The Estimates App is a simple way to provide sales quotes to your customers. You will be able to track the sales opportunities, generate estimates for them, and then convert this estimate into an invoice or work order once completed.
Online Quote Approval
Online approval process relies upon the timely and productive communication between a customer and the business. An automated quote approval process involves a workflow. The process starts with a quote request and usually ends when a quote is approved or abandoned, or when the project is created based on the quote.
Customers/client users can receive email notifications of estimate created for them. If the Customer clicks the estimate PDF link and clicks Approved, the Estimate Status automatic action updates the status to Approved. If the customer change requested (Submits his request using “Change Request” button) is assigned to the next workflow step, the Estimate Status automatic action updates the status to Change Requested.
Automated Quote Process
Workflow Based also referred to as an automated quote process, you can convert prospecting opportunity to estimate and override a piece of estimate information in estimate creation page.
- Estimate Approval Process.
- Quote your customer through online.
- Convert your estimate into a project.
- Create a detailed database of items with their price, that can be quickly and easily updated.
- Track the history of customer requested changes
- Ability to select different layouts for your estimate.
- Estimate numbering based on your preference.
- Online approval process.
- Ability to export into spreadsheet format and Email PDF to client.
- Build your own custom template
- Create invoices from Estimates