User Manual >> Documentation >> Leads App >> Leads Basic Features >> About “Trash” In Apptivo App

About “Trash” in Apptivo App

Removing leads from Leads App revokes access for every app, before you delete leads, consider removing the associated objects with other apps.

  1. If the lead is associated with any other object, then the lead will be moved to the “Trash” folder.
  2. If the lead is not associated with any other object, then a lead can delete forever, Click on “Delete Forever” button.

Deleted leads

Select leads you want to delete, If the lead is associated with any other object, then the lead will be moved to the “Deleted” folder in the trash.

Archived leads

Leads that are associated with other objects will be found in “Archived” Tab.


After you delete a lead, you can restore it. If you permanently delete by removing all association you can’t restore it. In most leads, restoring a deleted lead also restores the lead’s associated data, including synced email, calendar events.

To restore the deleted leads

  1. Select leads you want to restore from “Deleted Leads” tab.
  2. Click on “Restore” button to restore the leads.

Delete Forever

Select the lead you would like to delete. Click the delete forever button in the toolbar above your leads list. (If you have the leads open, you can also delete by using the same “Delete Forever” button).

To delete leads forever:

  1. Select the leads you’d like to delete and click on “Delete Forever” button.
  2. Or select all leads using the check box found in leads list header.